Here is a link to some of the many pics I took during our trip.
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Monday, 30 June 2008
Bye Bye Biennale
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Cockatoo Island - Dockyard and cranes
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Biennale Of Sydney 1
Its a sunny but crisp morning in Sydney this morning.
I didn't sleep that well - too much coffee yesterday left me lying in bed feeling like caffeine was trying to escape my fingers and toes for rather a lot of the night.
It did leave me time to recollect some of the highlights of day one of our trip to Sydney.
We started the Biennale at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. In the theme of revolution and forms that turn - there were some interesting historical works to set the scene. A particular favourite was Thomas Barlye (exscuse the spelling) and his massive wall paper like style of people cut and pasted walking across a giant pedestrian crossing. As it was 1977 a closer inspection of the people revealed a true 70s style.
There were also some cut out portraits of carlos the jackal. Almost like the idea of the assassin looking through a telephoto lens trying to pick out a subject amongst the crowd. OK so I watched the Bourne ultimatum recently.
There are many interesting and thought provoking works. This along with the galleries national collection makes for a fascinating afternoon.
Today we are off to the MCA and then on to some of the dealer galleries up in Paddington. Should be interesting.
Monday we have changed tack as the sculpture trail through the gardens doesn't really exist we are going to Utopia Gallery to check out some aboriginal art.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
It seems like its winter and all the major international exhibitions are coming on stream.
In the herald today there was an article on the major ArtDeco show in Melbourne - the NGVs latest in its winter exhibition series, complete with car and all. I would add the link but it seems to be that I can not locate the article on the heralds website.
In Brisbane the exhibition of Picassos collection and some of his own works is on at GOMA.
House of Travel has some packages to this - here. For those who haven't been to Picasso Museum in Paris this should be a worthwhile show.
Meanwhile Sue and I have been planning away and the tour to the Biennale of Sydney is coming along just fine. From Sue's report I am particularly looking forward to the installations on Cockatoo island.
3 days to go and counting.
Sunday, 8 June 2008
I am still having people enquire three weeks before travel - it shows there is definitely an appetite out there for this type of travel.
Of course big thanks goes to Sue Gardiner for helping tee it all up.
We are looking forward to seeing some great art, and meeting some interesting people.
If you haven't seen the Biennale website - check it out here
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Eden Arts presents
Wed 27 Feb: Eve Armstrong and Jeff Thomson: IN THE SCULPTURAL ZONE
Eve Armstrong is known for her sculptural installations using recycled waste materials and for her socially interactive street projects. Jeff Thomson is known for his sculptural investigation of a much loved material in New Zealand- corrugated iron.
Wed 5 Mar: Mark Olsen and Pam Blok: IN THE PAINTING ZONE
Pam Blok has been a dedicated painter at many Artists in Eden Day events and has won several awards for her work including the National Telecom Award and the North Shore Art Award.
Mark Olsen was the 2007 Auckland White Pages® Art Award Winner and the designer of the latest BMW Creation CA07 Art Car, raced in the 2007 Le Mans.
Wed 12 Mar: Edith Amituanai and Allan McDonald: IN THE PHOTOGRAPHY ZONE
Photographer Allan McDonald’s work examines aspects of our social landscape that are either unstable or on the point of change.
Edith Amituanai is the 2007 Inaugural Marti Friedlander Photographic Award Recipient, presented in partnership with the Arts Foundation of New Zealand.
An Eden Arts event leading up to Artists in Eden Day, Saturday 15 March, Essex Road Reserve, Mt Eden.
Venue: Raye Freedman Arts Centre, Epsom Girls Grammar School, Cnr Silver Road and Gillies Ave, Epsom.
Cost: Door sales only, no bookings required, $10/$8 student conc
Times: 7pm – 9pm
Contact: Eden Arts, Sue Gardiner, ph 624 5140. Rose Browning, ph 624 0472
P O Box 67135, Mt Eden, Auckland
Phone 021 457 673 Rose Browning
Friday, 25 January 2008
Italy Tour Videos
Italy, you can see them at
They are relatively low resolution - but you will get the picture, so to speak.